Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The illusion of time

There were lot many terms used concerning time. Most commonly used phrases were: hard time, bad time, happy time, minimum expenditure of time, maximum expenditure of time, waste of time, the track of time, time flew and time stopped. The time obtained social and economical importance. Time is money- one heard the phrases hundred times a day. Time was real and it was all around. It had personal value; the busses, trains and planes schedule was 9:03 -11:07–or 12: 31. Every minute was well counted .The whole industrialized world was obsessed with time.
In East and Far East time was not a reality. When somebody asked a passer-by, what’s the time? Answer was: “ two, three, four.” What is his age? - “Thirty, forty, fifty” was the answer. When did it happen? “Four, five, six months before.” The same three guesses appeared. Nobody took the time serious; time was not a reality, but a measure. It was an illusion.
Flip –changes crawled silently and secretly in East and Far East. The time concept was cloned in that part of the world. Today millions of Eastern data experts are staring their computers, counting seconds and adjusting themselves according to the GMT. Time became real. It is measuring quantity, quality and events. Time is all around, and it is not an illusion, but a global reality.

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