Thursday, April 12, 2007

The dance of Zeros

The teacher examined the papers,drew a big circle,wrote zero with red ink on top of the paper and handed over to the student.The husband declared loudly in anger that he had zero respect for his wife.She concluded her arguments in the courtroom with a phrase: they all were nobodies,just zeros.There is zero to say,zero balance,zero hour and zero is freezing point.
Zero is the most important and talismanic number.It is the most powerful and stubborn number, zero divided by zero remains zero.Zero multiplied by zero is zero.The sum of zero remains unchanged and never loses its identity.Mesopotamians,Babylonians,Mayans- they all valued the zero and used it for their needs.The Hindus used the zero for privileged knowledge and secret cods in esoteric scripts.
In our digital world zeros got a major role to play.The right hand zero and left hand zero,they all are everywhere,they are crooning,singing and dancing.They have created an unbelievable magic.They have tremendous power on me.
Zero bank balance makes me sad, but zero interest rates make me happy.In spite of their powerful position, zero remains zero.In Arabic zero means – nothing,in Sanskrit it means empty.Zero carries an ancient Greek curse:”How can nothing be something?”

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